Take One

The rocking chair is a part of an exhibition held in Design Museum Holon.

In building the chair I use broken or defective bike frames, sometimes abandoned by their owners. These frames are usually thrown away, and the rocking chair grants them another life- cycle. The structure of the chair is complete with a wooden ski which serves as a stabilizing basis and allows for the rocking motion. The curved ski echoes a skateboard or snowboard,
and this inspired me to “play” with its surface by using various lamination materials, such as specially-designed Formica boards, wood veneers and paint.

The rocking chair is equipped with a Brooks bike saddle. Brooks produces numerous saddle models in many different colors — which allows for a large variety of chair designs.

Profits yielded by the chair sales should be given back to society — that was my decision, and in order to carry it out I
set up a cooperation with UNICEF. Every sale of a rocking chair allows for the purchase of two bicycles, to be given to children in developing countries. This is no incidental choice. I believe a bicycle is the most beautiful present a child could get. Apart for its uses for sport and games, it allows for mobility. Children can go everywhere by themselves, and thus gain independence.